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Gabriele Euchner, MBA

Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Senior Executive, Author

Sparring Partner for Managers, Speaker

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The NEXT LEVEL Leadership:

Leadership is a marathon, not a sprint!

I am an international senior executive, management consultant, executive coach, executive search, and bestselling author.
For ten years, I have been advising and coaching executives to take the next step in their careers—personally, professionally, and for the success of the company.

The NEXT LEVEL LEADERSHIP: Successfully recognizing and expanding the performance of managers, teams, and companies through
- Career Coaching & New Placement
- Leadership Development
- Effective Communication for Managers
- Building Resilience & Mental Strength.

My USP: Through my management career and as a managing director with much responsibility for employees, I know the professional challenges of managers myself. I know what it feels like.

As an executive coach and headhunter at Kienbaum Consultants International, I have guided managers through precisely these challenges. I have seen who positions themselves correctly and makes the right decisions—and what it takes to successfully pursue their own goals.

I would like to invite you to get to know me directly. Please book a complimentary Zoom call at:


Career Highlights


Kienbaum Consultants International

Executive Coaching, Outplacement, New Placement Germany, Switzerland,Executive Coaching/-Search in USA.

Country Manager/
Managing Director 

Central Europe 

Mary Kay Cosmetics 

50 FTE (Operations, Finance, IT, HR, Sales, Marketing, Events/Trainings) and 12,000 Sales Representatives. Results: Significant increase of Net Sales and EBIT

Country Manager/ Managing Director Switzerland

Jafra Cosmetics 

20 FTE: Operations, Finance/HR/IT, Sales, Marketing, Events,Trainings

and 1.300 Sales Representatives. Results: Turnaround, restructure  sales, relaunchcorporate brand.

Marketing Manager „National Brands“

Kraft Foods 

11 FTE, 10 product groups and 250 Mio€ in revenue: significant increase of revenue and EBIT by focusing on high profitable brands and products.

Group Product Manager
"Marlboro"  Line extensions 

Philip Morris

3 product groups and 950 Mio € in revenue: most successful brand relaunch of „Marlboro Lights“ in Germany, ever.

Best Practices: Coaching, Consulting, Training


Leadership, Communication Skills, Career

Automotive, consulting services, consumer goods, German-Croatian Chamber of Commerce, manufacturing, Pharma


Health Insurance, Manufacturing & Engineering 


Manufacturing & Engineering USA

Marketing Manager „National Brands“

Kraft Foods 

Group Product Manager
"Marlboro"  Line extensions 

Philip Morris

2005 - 2008

Executive coaching, communication skills, intercultural leadership

Structure of Corporate Business 

Schools, in-house training

since 2021...

Career, Leadership Communication


Automotive, Consumer goods, German-Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Manufacturing


           Health Insurance, Manufacturing & Engineering 

Leadership Culture Communication Skills


        Consulting Services, Manufacturing & Engineering USA

Executive Coaching, Communication Skills, Intercultural Leadership

2015 -2018

Re-deployment & NewPlacement Consulting

National, international, medium sized companies, corporations

2012 - 2015

Executive Coaching, Strategic Marketing Consulting

international, medium

sized companies

2005 - 2008

In-house Management Trainings 

international, medium sized companies 



I am a published author of various books on leadership style, leadership culture, and career:

Zurück ins Spiel

Back into the game

The Guide to Your Dream Job

Mit dem Fußtritt aus der Chefetage

Kicked out of the Executive Suite

Haufe Publishing 2013

KDP 2021

Schlüsselfaktor Motivation

Key factor motivation!

From employee to entrepreneur

Erfolg als Entrepreneur

Success as Entrepreneur

The quality check for the
new generation of managers

BoD  Publishing 2008

FTD 2000

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